7 Top micro niches that can make your website a money making machine in 2023 @ https://www.digitalish9.com/7-top-micro-niches/

# 7 top micro niches to  make your website/blogsite a  money making machine
7 Top micro niches @ https://www.digitalish9.com/7-top-micro-niches/

7 Top micro niches in 2023 that can make your blog site a money making machine and boom your blogging carrier . But how?

As you may already be aware, blogging is a well-known side gig these days, but it may be difficult to keep readers interested consistanly because there are so many different topics covered and there are so many different types of readers. More people are turning to micro specialty blogging for this reason to give most specific reading experience .

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After doing some research, I came up with 7 top micro niche blog ideas that can turn your blog into a cash cow and serve as a lucrative side business. Let’s begin, then.

After doing some research, I came up with 7 top micro niche blog ideas that can turn your blog into a money making machine and serve as a lucrative side business. Let’s begin, then.

Table of content :


2.7 micro niches

2.1.gratitude and self-improvement

2.2.outdoor lifestyle

2.3.Food recopy

2.4.Real Estate Investment

2.5.Dating advice


2.7.Dog training


What is micro niches?

A micro niche is a subset of a large niche. such as marketing, of which offline and online marketing are micro specialisations. Similar to this every specialty has numerous subniches. To create a highly profitable micro niche, select any niche based on supply and demand as well as your interests.

1) Gratitude and self improvement:

To lead a happy, calm life, it is crucial to practise both self-improvement and gratitude for what you already have. Self-improvement includes progress in one’s body, mind, productivity, finances, and spirit.

you can start a blog about yoga and meditation for spiritual calmness. The best methods for physical improvement include exercise, a healthy diet, and fitness. You can try these micro topic to create your blog .

As life becomes more complicated over time, mental health problems also become more prevalent; for this reason, you can write something that will be helpful to individuals in need, especially if you have a background in mental health.

You can write about how to be energetics and happy with little things that can support those going through difficult circumstances. Therefore, you can make someone smile by sharing some basic supporting tips or ideas without much expertise.

You can write on a variety of skills for productivity that will provide in-depth knowledge of the subject to readers who are interested in learning more.Financial development, you can write about financial advice, saving, and investing.

2)outdoor lifestyle:

You can write about the lifestyles of school, collage, university, office-going, new mothers, or mountain hikers and travellers to discuss what they should pack for a trip and how to maintain their strength and health while outdoors.

Any additional care can be taken with outdoor clothing, cosmetics, food, etc. Additionally, you can recommend affiliate products on these blogs to earn extra money.

Or, just creates a list of the best furniture selections and outdoor furniture arranging advice such as What time of day is ideal for sitting outside.

If you live in a warm climate, carry water with you whenever you are outside, dress comfortably in loose clothing, and eat a healthy breakfast every morning. Keep additional clothing, food, sunglasses, and warm water on hand for colder climates.

3)Food recepi:

There are several food varieties and recipe types in the world, making it simple to create a blog about any favourite dish, such as coconut, which may be made into pie, juice, or coconut.

Ethnic food includes dishes from India, China, Mexico, the Middle East, and Italy. You can write recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, for each of these special dishes. Recipes without gluten are in high demand right now.

Few individuals are looking for a healthy diet and few have gluten intolerance, thus you can create recipes on this. Thus, the meal will include elements of the paleo, keto, and Whole30 diets. There are currently fewer people working on vegan recipes for vegetarians, but you can still try them.

Dessert recipes are everyone’s favourites; here, you can share recipes for little micro-niches of cake, pie, pastries, and cookies.This new cuisine and accessories is popular.

So you are free to post any recipe you prepared in the instant pot.You can try recepi for green smoothies since it is in a mini-micro-niche and offers lots of opportunity for success.These are a few prominent niches for food blogging.

If you like to write on food then you can try these micro food recipe niches.


4) Dating advice:

People look for advice whenever a life event occurs, so you have scope here , but keep in mind that you should never provide counsel to someone who is older than you.

Select a demographic for whom you wish to write.For example, you might offer advice on love, breakups, and guidance to teenagers.

Advice on how to have a happy marriage, a happy life, how to have a more sweetness in marriage, and when to plan for having children might be given to newlyweds.

If you are older than 30, you can write about your experiences in a way that will benefit someone else.

Marital counselling for seniors, love advise for those over 40, How to prevent divorce in a marriage,What will the effects of late’s marriage be, and how can one find the proper mate after age 40?

People of this age frequently have these kinds of questions on their minds, so put yourself in their position and offer your best counsel.

Sharing these on your microblog will increase your credibility, traffic, and income. source(bloggerspassion.com)

5) Real Estate investment:

Who doesn’t dream of having their own home? Everyone desires this, but it requires a significant financial investment so making secure investments necessary.

The best house that every buyer of real estate wants is also within budget. Real estate investment has a variety of mini micro-niches, including first-time buyers, luxury, architectural, eco-friendly, commercial, resort, and vacation houses.

Among these, premium properties, eco-friendly properties, and first-time buyers need greater marketing to attract target purchasers. In comparison to hotels, vacation homes, and commercial properties, this industry is a little colder. Eco-friendly is one of these that is growing and has a promising future.

You might select this niche if you want to develop a blog that benefits you in the long run. Otherwise, a vacation home or resort is perfect for blogging.

As ,You know the greatest tourist destinations where you live, so you have good opportunities here to use this topic as micro niche blog, you can start with doing research their resort selling prices, rental prices, and information on these properties’ specifications and advantages with everything you have. Source (xara.com)

6) Drone:

As an emerging industry, drones will gain good position in the long run. On drone topic you can select micro niche as drone cameras, and professional drones, you can create a micro-niche site and engage in affiliate marketing.

Drones are updated constantly, so to stay in tune with technology affiliate blogging, you must devote more time and effort to learning. Source (axiomalfa.com)

7) Dog training :

All dog-related activities are included in dog training.You can select any little micro niche within these, including dog training for busy owners, couple training, family focus dog training, professional training like army or police training, age, breed, and play with owner.

Dogs and cats are the two most popular pets, and eveyone like them . so these niches blogs are in high demand. Source(visydogtrainingacademy.com)

Lastly to say that , I am sharing here best top 7 micro niches that can make your blog site a money making machine and what seems to me very profitable .

However, if you want more specific micro-niches, comment below and I’ll give you a list of 15 that might work for you. When choosing a niche, ask you first Do this create any value to readers life ? Or do reader need it ? And how excited are you to write in this topic?

Do you have sufficient knowledge or skills in this field? If you enjoy writing in any field, being consistent will help you succeed.

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7 Top micro niches @ https://www.digitalish9.com/7-top-micro-niches/

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